Let’s Get Rolling!
Plan your trip with our Trip Planner tool powered by Google Transit. The tool makes it easy for you to find your route based on starting location and desired destination.
Finding Your Bus Stop
The link below opens an interactive map that shows all bus stop locations for the Better Bus Blueprint service. This is designed to ensure passengers can become familiar with where each route will stop in the new system.
How to Use the Trip Planner
First enter your starting and ending Address into the “Starting Point” and “Destination” boxes. Or if you would like, start typing in a landmark name. A box with possible suggestions will show up. You can also select to use your current location (if you have GPS enabled).
Enter the Date and Time. Then just click the Let’s Go! Button. The trip plan directions and Google Map will display to guide your trip.
You will see the directions showing you time details, which bus route to take, travel times, walking directions (if needed) and other useful information (such as, if you transfer, how much time you have in-between transfers).
The walking directions and times are provided by Google itself and Google says to use caution because the walking route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths. Also, sometimes the walking time may not be exactly realistic depending weather conditions and your pace.
The map shows the path you will take with the selected directions. You can click the little icons of the bus or person walking to get more in depth information. You can also see where on the route map you will switch between buses if you have a transfer.
For some trips, you might find that there are multiple options, where one route might take less time or one might take longer, but get you to your destination at an earlier time. Above where your directions are listed, if there are different possible routes, there will be a list with other suggested trips. Click on one to switch directions and maps. Google Transit is a helpful tool for anyone trying to figure out a simple way to get from point A to point B.
Let’s Get Rolling!
Plan your trip with our Trip Planner tool powered by Google Transit. The tool makes it easy for you to find your route based on starting location and desired destination.
Finding Your Bus Stop
The link below opens an interactive map that shows all bus stop locations for the Better Bus Blueprint service. This is designed to ensure passengers can become familiar with where each route will stop in the new system.