Title IV and ADA Resources
The DTA will not tolerate discrimination by its employees or by those that receive Federal funds from the DTA. The DTA prohibits all discriminatory practices that may result in an individual:
- Being denied any service, financial aid, or benefit provided under a program to which he or she might otherwise be entitled.
- Being held to different standards or requirements for participation in a DTA Program.
- Experiencing segregation or separate treatment in any part of a DTA program.
- Being subject to distinctions in quality, quantity, or manner in which DTA benefit is provided.
- Experiencing discrimination in any activities conducted in a DTA facility built in whole or part with Federal Funds.
- The denial, or reduction in, or significant delay in receipt of benefits by minority or low-income populations.
Title VI Plan Update (2023-2025)
To provide feedback, ask questions, or for more information, please contact via email ([email protected]) or mail at: DTA ATTN. Christopher Belden; 2402 W. Michigan St.; Duluth, MN 55806.
Notice to the Public Title IV
Notifying the Public of Rights Under Title VI
Duluth Transit Authority
The Duluth Transit Authority (DTA) operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Any person who believes they have been aggrieved by any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with the DTA.
Any such complaint must be in writing and submitted to the DTA Title VI Coordinator within thirty (30) days following the date of the alleged occurrence. For more information on the DTA’s civil rights program, if information is needed in a different language, and the procedures to file a complaint, please visit duluthtransit.com/civilrights or contact: Title VI Coordinator, Duluth Transit Authority, 2402 West Michigan Street, Duluth, MN 55806; or at 218-623-4316 or [email protected]
To Submit a Title IV Complaint
For Information Regarding Title IV Complaints, please refer to the following link:
Complaint Title IV Information
To submit a complaint, please use the following complaint form and fill out the fields to describe your concern.
Notice to the Public ADA
Notifying the Public of Rights Under ADA
Duluth Transit Authority
The Duluth Transit Authority (DTA) hereby gives public notice of its policy to uphold and assure full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and all related statutes. ADA and related statutes require compliance with providing access of and to federally assisted transportation programs.
Any person who believes they have been denied access to transportation programs provided by the DTA has a right to file a formal complaint with the DTA. Any such complaint must be in writing and submitted to the DTA’s ADA Coordinator within one-hundred-eighty (180) days following the date of the alleged occurrence. Please Submit to ADA Coordinator Aleda Johnson: [email protected] or call 218-722-7283
To Submit an ADA Complaint
For Information Regarding ADA Complaints, please refer to the following link:
To submit a complaint, please use the following complaint form and fill out the fields to describe your concern.