Due to underground street work, West Superior Street will be closed between 26th Avenue West and 27th Avenue West on Thursday and Friday, June 22nd and 23rd.
Route 4 buses will detour as follows:
Inbound Route 4 buses (To Downtown):
Buses will run regular route to 27th Avenue West and Superior Street, then detour by turning right on 27th Avenue West to Michigan Street, turn left on Michigan Street to 24th Avenue West, turn left on 24th Avenue West to Superior Street, turn right on Superior Street and then return to regular route.
Outbound Route 4 buses (From Downtown):
Buses will run regular route to 26th Avenue West and Superior Street, then detour by turning right on 26th Avenue West to 1st Street, turn left on 1st Street to 27th Avenue West, turn left on 27th Avenue West to Superior Street, turn right on Superior Street and then return to regular route.