In an effort to provide efficient service and protect the safety of the public and team members, the DTA is announcing the following upcoming changes:
- Effective Sunday, August 30th, Routes #18 and #23 are returning to service. These routes provide significant access to the University of Minnesota Duluth and The College of St. Scholastica campuses.
- Routes #4 and #15 Park Point will be paused until further notice. Dial-a-ride access to and from Park Point will once again be available. Those looking to access this service can call 218-623-4328 to schedule a ride. These changes reflect current staffing realities, and the operational approach required to deliver a save and reliable service level to the public.
- Effective Monday, September 7th, the DTA will return to front-door boarding on all of our buses. The switch from rear to front-door boarding arrives after the successful installation of protective barriers at the front of the buses. This is phase one of a two-phased approach to return to our traditional boarding and fare collection process. The date for the return to fare collection will be formally announced in the next week.
- Continued efforts to protect all passengers and DTA team members include daily intensive sanitation of buses and facilities, requiring masks in all business areas, requesting essential trips only, and an educational campaign designed to promote safe travel habits.