Service Suspension Announcement:
Due to bus parts and driver shortages, we are temporarily reducing service on a handful of routes in the system, effective Sunday, August 1st. The routes temporarily suspended include:
• Route #4 West – Duluth (alternative service available on routes 1,2,&3)
• Route #15 Park – Point (dial-a-ride/on-demand service will once again be temporarily available available by calling 218-722-7283) Route 15 will be a on demand service for the entirety of the route 15 service day. When a Park Point passenger calls the DTA information line, it will be forwarded to the DTA dispatcher and a bus operator will use a small DTA Stride van to transport that passenger from their bus stop to DTC, or a stop between their bus stop and DTC only. Return trips will run only from DTC to their bus stop.
• Route #19 – Port Town Trolley (This service was slated to end on September 6th, and will likely return in 2022)
• Route 10E (One trip at 5:40 p.m. will be cut as it connects with a route 4 trip that will also be suspended.
While there is not a clear date of return set for the affected routes, we are bringing on new bus operators, and working with our supply chain partners to resolve the parts delay situation as quickly and effectively as possible.
We appreciate your patience, and apologize for any inconvenience.