Duluth Cider’s Big Bad Apple Bash will be held on Saturday October 12th, 2024 from approximately 11 am to 6 pm. This event will close West Superior St from 24th Ave West to 23rd Ave W during this time along with any setup or tear down time required before and after the event. . Extra caution should be used around the event due to additional vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
Route 1 to Downtown: From the garage run Michigan Street to 21st Avenue West, turn left and run to Superior Street, turn right and continue on regular route to downtown.
Route 1 From Downtown: Regular route to Superior Street and 21st Avenue West, then turn left and run to Michigan Street. Follow Michigan St to 24th Ave West. At 24th Ave West if any passengers remain this will be the last stop while on detour.
We will return to current detour routing in this area as soon as the roadway reopens.