On Thursday, July 18th the Park Point 5 Miler Race will close Minnesota Ave from 23rd St to the end of Park Point. Event staff will begin closures at approximately 6pm but are coordinating with DTA to allow the 5:35 pm departure of Route 113 to complete its round trip to 49th and back out.
The 6:35 pm and 7:35 pm departures will need to detour and adjust their layover practice as follows:
Route 113 from Downtown: Regular route until S Lake Ave and 10th Street, detour by turning right onto 10th Street followed by a left onto Minnesota Ave. Layover on the side of the road between 10th St and 12 St wherever there is room enough for the bus. They will depart so that they may reach Lake Ave and Buchanan St by 14 after the hour based on current traffic conditions and Lift Bridge position.
Route 113 to Downtown: From detour layover position follow Minnesota Ave to 12th St and turn left to return to S Lake Ave and turn left again. Follow S Lake Ave to regular route.
This means that stops beyond 12th St will be temporarily closed after the 6:03 departure from 49th and Minnesota Ave passes them on the way to DTC and will remain closed until the end of the service day of route 113.