Buses have returned to regular route along Superior Street at 1pm 6-12-23
Due to underground street work, Effective Monday, May 15th, Superior Street and 1st Street will be closed at 1st Avenue East. In addition, 3rd Street and Lake Avenue intersection will have excavation work making a left turn from 3rd Street onto Lake difficult.
During this time routes in the downtown area will detour as follows:
From Downtown Routes 6 & 7: Buses will run regular route to Superior Street and Lake Avenue, then detour via left on Lake Avenue to 2nd Street, right on 2nd Street to 3rd Avenue East, right on 3rd Avenue East to Superior Street, left on Superior Street and regular route.
To Downtown Routes 6 & 7: Buses will run regular route to Superior Street and 3rd Avenue East, then detour via right on 3rd Avenue East to 3rd Street, left on 3rd Street to 1st Avenue West, left on 1st Avenue West to Superior Street, right on Superior Street and regular route.
From Downtown Routes 10H, 11, 11K, 11M, 12 & 13: Buses will run regular route to Superior Street and Lake Avenue, then detour via left on Lake Avenue to 2nd Street, right on 2nd Street and continue past 3rd Avenue East and regular route.
To Downtown Routes 10H, 12 & 13: Buses will run regular route to 3rd Street and 3rd Avenue East, then continue on 3rd Street to 1st Avenue West, left on 1st Avenue West to Superior Street, right on Superior Street and regular route.
Temporary bus stops will be placed along the detour routing. This detour is expected to be completed by mid-June.