Update: Route 7 Lakeside will be back on Regular Route Wednesday, October 27th.
Due to continued progress on the Superior Street reconstruction, and a temporary construction closure at 47th Avenue East, the Lakeside Route 7 detour will be adjusted as follows, effective immediately:
Buses will run regular route to 60th Avenue East and Superior Street, then detour via continuing along 60th Avenue East to London Road, turn right and run to 45th Avenue East, turn right and run to Superior Street, turn left and return to regular route. Temporary bus stops have been placed along London Road at 54th Avenue East, 51st Avenue East, McCulloch Street and 47th Avenue East.
On Saturday, September 18th a temporary detour will have buses return to Superior Street between 60th Avenue East and 45th Avenue East and will supersede this detour for a portion of that day only. This is due to the closure of London Road for the North Shore Inline Marathon. Buses will return to London Road once the marathon concludes.