Buses Return to Regular Route on Monday, June 6th at Noon

Service Alert:
Effective Monday, April 18th, due to underground work:
Superior Street will be closed from the west side of 4th Avenue East to the east side of the Pickwick parking lot.
During this time Routes 6 & 7 will detour as follows:
From Downtown:
Regular route to Superior Street and 3rd Avenue East, then detour via left on 3rd Avenue East to 2nd Street, right on 2nd Street to 10th Avenue East, right on 10th Avenue East to Superior Street, left on Superior Street and regular route.
To Downtown:
Regular route to Superior Street and 10th Avenue East, then detour via right on 10th Avenue East to 3rd Street, left on 3rd Street to 3rd Avenue East, left on 3rd Avenue East to Superior Street, right on Superior Street and regular route.
Temporary bus stops will be placed along the detour.

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