On Wednesday, November 23rd from 8am to 4pm, road construction will close East 8th Street between 16th Avenue East and 17th Avenue East.
Routes 11 and 23 will detour as follows during this time:
Route 11 Outbound (From Downtown) and Route 23 Maroon:
Buses will run regular route to 8th Street and 16th Avenue East, then detour by turning right on 16th Avenue East to 7th Street, left on 7th Street to 18th Avenue East, left on 18th Avenue East to 8th Street, right on 8th Street and return to regular route.
Route 11 Inbound (To Downtown) and Route 23 Gold:
Buses will run regular route to 8th Street and 17th Avenue East, then detour by turning left on 17th Avenue East to 7th Street, right on 7th Street to 16th Avenue East, right on 16th Avenue East to 8th Street, left on 8th Street and return to regular route.
Buses will stay on regular route until 8th Street is closed and return to regular route as soon as the street reopens.