This Detour has ended. Intersection Construction Has Been Completed.
Effective Monday, May 2nd road reconstruction at the southwest corner of the 2nd Street and 10th Avenue East intersection will require outbound “From Downtown” Routes 6 & 7 to detour.
Routes 6 & 7 buses that are currently on detour will adjust their detour to include the following:
Eastbound (From Downtown) Routes 6 & 7:
Buses will run the current detour routing to 2nd Street and 9th Avenue East, then turn right on 9th Avenue East and run to Superior Street, left on Superior Street and return to regular route.
Westbound (To Downtown) Routes 6 & 7:
No change to current detour routing via Superior Street, 10th Avenue East, 3rd Street, 3rd Avenue East, Superior Street to downtown. 10th Avenue East will remain passable thru the 2nd Street intersection in this direction.
This detour is expected to last 2 weeks.