July 14th, 2020 – Duluth, MN
The Duluth Transit Authority (DTA) has announced a return to traditional summer service levels Beginning Sunday, July 19th. The effort will restore several routes and trips currently paused by covid-19 operational conditions. The DTA will roll out the following items:
- Service levels will be restored to that of traditional Summer service, with the current exception of the Port Town Trolly, which will remain paused at this time. Returning, however, will be routes #4, #5, #15, and #25(DuLooper).
- Late night service provided pre-covid19 will also be restored, which includes several routes.
- The Duluth Transit Center (DTC) will return to normal operating hours on July 19th. M-F | 5AM – 1AM, SAT | 6AM – 12:00AM, SUN | 6:30AM – 10PM.
- The pilot project Route 24 with service to the Great Lakes Aquarium and waterfront has ended, and as such, the route will no longer be offered.
- The DTA is currently launching 10 new Gillig low-floor buses, three of which are green and will be featured prominently on the “DuLooper” downtown circulator route. Six of the vehicles are 40 ft., and four are 35 ft.
- Effective Sunday, July, 19th the DTA will eliminate the two single-direction bus stops located within the Miller Hill Target Parking lot, replacing it with new stops – the inbound stop will now be located on Mall Drive (to downtown and route #5 to West Duluth), and the outbound (From Downtown & Route #5 from West Duluth is on Maple Grove Road near the Target entrance. This change has been implemented to increase safety and reduce potential conflicts with pedestrians and vehicles within the parking lot.
These changes come in addition to the intensive measures taken by the DTA to protect the public and employees during the Covid-19 pandemic. Key measures have included encouraging essential trips only, enhanced efforts to sanitize/disinfect buses and facilities daily, eliminating fares (and associated congestion near the front of buses), rear-door boarding and alighting, and the requirement of masks/face coverings for DTA bus drivers. The DTA is also strongly encouraging passengers to wear masks on our buses and while in our facilities.