Continuous Improvement Update:

After an exciting first two weeks of operating the new Better Bus Blueprint system and closely monitoring trends, feedback, detours, and many other factors, the DTA is announcing some modifications to our service. With a completely new bus system, we anticipated some adjustments would be needed. We appreciate the community’s enthusiastic support so far and for the patience in navigating the service changes and many roadway detours. We also appreciate the valuable feedback from the public and our team members.

In response, we will implement the following changes beginning at a date in the near future (3-4 weeks). We are working to implement those changes as soon as possible and will make a public announcement prior to the changes starting. We realize that they may not account for every single opportunity to perfect the service or meet each and every need. These steps will be the first in a continuous improvement process as we move forward. We continue to encourage passengers to track their buses using the Transit app.

Weekday Route 101 (Blue Line):
A slight increase in time between buses: 15 to 20 minutes on weekdays. This is to ensure buses are on time and transfer connections can be made. Later evening trips will also be every 20 minutes, as opposed to 30 minutes. A new Blue Line stop will be added in front of Maurices Corporate building at W Superior St and 4th Ave West, heading westbound.

Weekday Route 102 (Green Line):
Like the Blue Line, a slight increase in time between buses: 15 to 20 minutes on weekdays. This is to ensure buses are on time and transfer connections can be made. Later evening trips will also be every 20 minutes, as opposed to 30 minutes. New Green Line stops will be added on 3rd Ave East, just north of Superior Street, in both directions.

Weekday Route 103:
Schedule adjustments aimed to reduce late trips and better connect to transfers. Completion of the large detour in Gary/New Duluth will further improve reliability.

Weekday Route 110:
Addition of one trip from Superior to Duluth, departing the Superior Walmart at 6:03 a.m. and arriving at DTC at 6:25 a.m. This is to address the needs of passengers with early AM travel schedules.

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