The Christmas City of the North Parade will be held once again on Friday, November 22nd. Superior Street between 10th Avenue East and 5th Avenue West will be blocked to all traffic at approximately 5:45 PM and will remain closed until the completion of the parade at approximately 8:15 PM. Once we have confirmed the route is clear we will resume regular operations in the downtown area.
Until that time ALL ROUTES in the Downtown Area will detour largely along 1st St between 5th Ave W and 2nd Ave E.
We will use any nearside corner along 1st St as a bus stop while we are detoured.
With significant congestion in the Downtown Area, we are expecting delays on all affected routes during the parade closures.
See routing descriptions and maps below.
Blue and 103 Eastbound: From Superior St and Mesaba Ave, go up Mesaba, turn right on 1st St, take 1st St to 2nd Ave East turn left and follow to 2nd St and turn right, follow 2nd St to 12th Ave E and turn right, take 12th Ave to 1st St and turn left, take 1st St to 13th Ave E and turn right down to Superior St turn left onto regular route.
Blue and 103 Westbound: From 12th Ave East and Superior St turn right up 12th Ave East to 3rd St turn left, take 3rd St to 2nd Ave East and turn left. Take 2nd Ave E to 1st St and turn right. Take 1st St to 5th Ave West turn left down to Superior St turn right. Resume regular route.
Green To Mall: Service begins on 1st St east of Mesaba Ave. From 1st St., take 1st St to 2nd Ave East. Turn left up 2nd Ave and resume current detour route.
Green To Downtown: from 2nd Ave East and 1st St turn right onto 1st St. go on 1st St to 5th Ave West turn left. Service terminates at the stop on Superior St next to the Incline Station.
110 into 104: From Superior and Mesaba go up Mesaba to 1st St take 1st St to Lake Ave, turn left onto Lake Ave to resume regular route. NOTE: See separate all day detour for 4th St for Route 104
104 into 110: (Note the same 4th St Detour for Route 104 mentioned above) From 4th St and Lake Ave, take Lake Ave down to 3rd St turn right. continue on 3rd St until 4th Ave West turn left down go to 1st St turn right go to 5th Ave West turn left, go to Superior St turn right. Resume regular route.
105 into 107: From 2nd Ave East continue on 2nd Ave E to 1st St turn right, take 1st St to 5th Ave West turn left, go to Superior St turn right. Resume regular route.
107 into 105: from Superior and Mesaba go up Mesaba to turn right on 1st St., take 1st St to 2nd Ave East, turn left. Resume current detour route.
106 into 113: From 2nd Ave East turn right onto 1st St, take 1st St to 5th Ave West, take 5th Ave West to NB I-35 Lake Ave Exit to Canal Park Drive and regular route.
113 into 106: Via regular route to Lake Ave south and Railroad St, then run via left on Railroad St, take Railroad St, then run via left on Railroad St to 5th AW viaduct, take 5th Ave West to 1st St turn right take 1st St to 2nd Ave East turn left to resume current detour route.
108 into 114: From Superior and Mesaba to 1st St, take 1st to Lake Ave turn left on Lake Ave to resume regular route.
114 into 108: From 4th St and Lake Ave, take Lake Ave down to 3rd St turn right. continue on 3rd St until 4th Ave West turn down go to 1st St turn right go to 5th Ave West turn left, go to Superior St turn right. Resume regular route.
109 to Downtown: From I-35 exit take Mesaba Ave to 2nd St, take 2nd St to 4th Ave West turn right. Turn right onto 1st St, alight passengers on 1st St before turning left onto 6th Ave West. Layover next to Incline Station on 6th West. Driver can alight passengers along 6th Ave W next to Incline Station if they request it.
109 to Proctor: Passengers may board at layover location once bus is in service or may use the Superior St stop next to the Incline as well. Departing from Layover turn right on Superior St and resume regular routing, but do not depart until approximately 2-5 minutes passed standard DTC departure time.