Due to the road reconstruction, starting Monday, June 20th, 21st Avenue East will be closed to traffic from London Road to Woodland Avenue, including the intersection of Superior Street.
4th Street will remain open across 21st Avenue East during this time.
Route 13 will be able to run regular route during this time. Routes 6 and 7 will need to detour as follows:
Routes 6 and 7 Outbound (From Downtown): Buses will take Regular route to Superior Street and 19th Avenue East, then detour by turning left on 19th Avenue East to 4th Street, turn right and run to 24th Avenue East.
Buses will take Route 6 turn left on 24th Avenue East and regular route.
Buses will take Route 7 turn right on 24th Avenue East and run to Superior Street, turn left and regular route.
Routes 6 and 7 Inbound (to Downtown):
Buses will take Reverse of above routing.
To UMD: Buses will take Kenwood Avenue run to College Street to Kirby Drive, or Junction Avenue to Kirby Drive, depending on which way the bus needs to face at Kirby.
To Woodland Park and Ride: Buses will take Kenwood Avenue, run to Arrowhead Road, to Woodland Avenue, to Calvary Road to the Woodland Park and Ride.