21st Ave West is Expected to Open sometime today, and when that happens, all routing will return to normal.
We are returning to using 21st Avenue West between Superior Street and 1st Street on inbound Route 101 Blue, 103,107 and 108 trips. Updated detours memo attached. Map of current routing also included.
From Downtown: Regular route to Superior Street and 21st Avenue West, then detour by continuing along Superior Street to 24th Avenue West, turn right on 24th Avenue West and continue to 3rd Street. At 3rdStreet both Route 101 Blue Line and 103 will turn left. Route 107 and 108 will continue straight on 24thAvenue West and return to regular route.
To Downtown: Regular Route to 24th Avenue West, then detour by taking 24th Avenue West to 1st Street, turn left and run to 19th Avenue West, turn right and run to Superior Street, turn left and return to regular route.
This updated detour using 19th Avenue West on inbounds trips is expected to last until Fridaymorning, September 15th. We will revert to using 21stAvenue West between1st Street and Superior Street when inbound at that time.