As of Saturday August 17th, 3rd St is open and will be open through the weekend. We will operate regular routing during this time. However, please watch for another possible detour for W 3rd that could begin on Monday August 19th and run for one week. If so, we will revert backĀ  to the detour used the week of August 12th – 16th.

The detour described below has concluded.

On Monday August 5th a new phase of the projects along West 3rd St in the Lincoln Park neighborhood will expand to a variety of different locations with varying impacts of location and time. These impacts will largely fall on Monday, August 5th through Wednesday August 7th. To simplify communications the DTA will operate 1 detour to cover most of these projects and we will operate that detour until most of West 3rd St reopens with the exception of one portion of the Westbound side that will close just between 24th and 25th Ave West.

During the first portion of this phase, we will detour Blue Line and Route 103 buses as follows:

From 3rd St and 24th Ave West Westbound routes will detour down 24th Ave West until West 1st St, then they will turn right and follow 1st St until 28th Ave W, then they will go up 28th Ave W back to 3rd St and resume regular route.

The Eastbound routes will detour down 28th Ave West until West 2nd St, then they will turn left onto and follow 2nd St until 24th Ave W, then they will go up 24th Ave W back to 3rd St and regular route.

During these detours we will consider every nearside corner along 1st or 2nd in their respective directions to be temporary stops.

Once all that remains closed on 3rd St is the block of 24th to 25th for the westbound lanes we will detour both routes heading Westbound ONLY from 24th Ave W, down 24th Ave W to 2nd St, along 2nd St to 25th Ave W, and 25th Ave W back up to 3rd St and regular route. Eastbound will not require a detour. This one block portion of this phase is expected to remain in place for approximately 1 week.

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