Effective immediately, due to construction at the intersection of Arrowhead Road and Haine Road, Route 8 and select Route 10 trips that service the airport will detour as follows:
To Airport:
Buses will run regular route to Haines Road and Arrowhead Road, then detour by taking a left on Arrowhead Road to Air Base Road, turn right and run to Sundby Road, turn right and run to Swan Lake Road, turn right and run to Haines Road, turn left and regular route to the airport.
From Airport to Walmart:
Buses will run regular route to Haines Road and Swan Lake Road, then detour by taking a right on Swan Lake Road to Sundby Road, turn left and run Air Base Road, turn left and run to Arrowhead Road, turn right and regular route to Walmart.
Service to the Saint Louis county Jail bus stop will be curtailed during this time.
The duration of this detour is unknown.