On Thursday, November 28th, Thanksgiving Day – the Gobble Gallop foot race will close Superior Street between 10th Avenue East and 5th Avenue West. The races will start at 9:00 a.m. and end at approximately 11:00 a.m. During this time, all DTA Operations will move to 1st Street for Eastbound trips. Westbound will use portions of 1st St, please see routing below. Operations will resume at DTC upon the reopening of Superior Street.
We will use any nearside corner along 1st St as a temporary stop except for where 1st St is closed to westbound traffic. Please note that 104 buses turning into 110 buses and 114 buses turning into 108 buses will only be on 1st St from 4th Ave W to 5th Ave W and it is advised to catch From Downtown 108 or 110 buses at the 6th Ave W and Superior St bus shelter.
Green Line To Mall and Route 105 to UMD: Service begins on 1st St above the incline Station. It will follow 1st St to 2nd Ave East and turn left to resume current detour routing.
Green Line and Route 105 To Downtown: Follow current detour routing to 2nd Ave E and 1st St, turn right on 1st St and follow to Lake Ave and turn right, take Lake Ave to 3rd St and turn left, follow 3rd St to 4th Ave W and turn left, follow 4th Ave W to 1st St and turn right, follow to 5th Ave W turn left, follow to Superior St and turn right. Service ends at the 6th Ave W and Superior St bus shelter.
103 Eastbound: Enter downtown area from W Superior St to Mesaba Ave, turn right onto 1st St and follow to 2nd Ave E, turn left on 2nd Ave E and follow to 2nd St, turn right on 2nd St and follow to 12th Ave E and turn right, follow to 1st Street and turn left to follow until 13th Ave E and turn right, follow to Superior St and turn left to resume regular routing
103 Westbound: From Superior St and 12th Ave E detour by turning right onto 12th Ave E and take 12th Ave E to 4th St and turn left, follow 4th St to 2nd Ave East. (We will provide service at regular stops long 4th St through this portion during the detour) and turn left and follow to 1st St and turn right, follow to Lake Ave and turn right, turn left onto 3rd St and follow to 4th Ave West turn left, down to 1st St turn right onto 1st St to 5th Ave W and turn left, take 5th Ave to Superior St and turn right and resume regular routing.
104 and 114 to Downtown into 110 or 108: From turning downhill on Lake Ave detour by turning right onto 3rd St, follow 3rd St to 4th Ave W and turn left, take 4th Ave W to 1st St and turn right, take 1st St to 5th Ave W and turn left, take 5th Ave W to Superior St and turn right to resume regular route
108 and 110 to downtown into 114 or 108: Enter downtown area from W Superior St to Mesaba Ave, turn right onto 1st St and follow to Lake Ave, turn left up Lake Ave and resume regular route.
109 to Downtown: From I-35 exit take Mesaba Ave to 2nd St, take 2nd St to 4th Ave West turn right. Turn right onto 1st St, alight passengers on 1st St before turning left onto 6th Ave West. Layover next to Incline Station on 6th West. Driver can alight passengers along 6th Ave W next to Incline Station if they request it.
109 to Proctor: Passengers may board at layover location once bus is in service or may use the Superior St stop next to the Incline as well. Departing from Layover turn right on Superior St and resume regular routing, but do not depart until approximately 2-5 minutes passed standard DTC departure time.